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50 Years in Prison for Marijuana: Incarcerated People Call On Biden To Expunge Cannabis Convictions
50 Years in Prison for Marijuana: Incarcerated People Call On Biden To Expunge Cannabis Convictions
More Perfect Union

How The Weldon Project Letter Aims to Hold Biden Accountable on Cannabis Clemency

When President Joe Biden was running for office, he made a very enticing promise on his campaign trail: that anyone in the U.S. with a cannabis-related offense on their record would have that expunged. Fast forward one year later, and that promise still hasn’t even come close to being realized.

However, this expungement issue doesn’t begin and end with Biden. Most states with some form of legal cannabis have rolled out legislation that includes the need for industry equity and expungement, yet many people still have those offenses living on their records – and some are even still incarcerated for cannabis-related crimes.

As a result, much of the industry has taken matters into their own hands, advocating for equity programs, spreading the word about the need for expungement, and pushing legislators to follow through on their promises.

The Weldon Project Demands Cannabis Clemency Now

While advocates throughout the industry – like the Last Prisoner Project and Supernova Women – have been on the frontlines of the fight for equity and expungement in cannabis, the industry will have to include leaders from other fields in order to present a well-rounded and thorough appeal.

Enter The Weldon Project letter, which included signatures from NBA star Al Harrington, Killer Mike, Meek Mill, Drake, Mike Tyson, Lil Baby, and over 150 artists, athletes, law enforcement, business leaders, elected and appointed government officials, and leading cannabis advocates.

The petition, which was delivered to President Biden on September 14, 2021, urges the president to follow through on his promise and grant a general pardon to anyone in the country who has been convicted of a federal cannabis offense.

“Enough is enough. No one should be locked up in federal prison for marijuana,” the letter reads. “No one should continue to bear the scarlet letter of a federal conviction for marijuana offenses.”

In a growing industry where everyone is trying to get in on the ground floor, leaving the formerly (and currently) incarcerated by the wayside is completely immoral. 

A lying politician is hardly news, but this is a promise that Biden must follow through with in order to establish the legal industry with a clear conscience for everyone involved.

Advocates from the inside have been shouting at the top of their lungs about this issue for years, to no avail. Hopefully the involvement and support of experts from an array of leading American industries will help the federal government realize what a pressing issue this is, and how many people are refusing to look away until it is fully resolved. 

Sign the cannabis clemency petition here.

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On The Revel's Buyers Club Electrifies New York's Cannabis Industry - The Bluntness
On The Revel's Buyers Club Electrifies New York's Cannabis Industry - The Bluntness

Revelry Buyers' Club Electrifies New York's Cannabis Industry

On The Revel continues to demonstrate what a legal cannabis ecosystem looks like: inclusive, collaborative, respectful and empowering.

The iconic Basilica Hudson was buzzing with energy and excitement on Thursday as hundreds, (maybe even thousands?) of cannabis industry leaders, retailers, growers, producers, and top brands from across the state converged for the third annual Revelry Buyers' Club. The exclusive Buyers Club, organized by On The Revel, has become a centerpiece event for New York's rapidly expanding legal cannabis market.

For all of New York's trials and tribulations in its legalization journey, an atmosphere of conviviality and entrepreneurial spirit filled the air as attendees connected over the latest products, forged new partnerships, and shared insights about the industry's challenges, opportunities and evolution. The diversity and dynamism of the crowd reflected the vibrant spectrum of New York's cannabis community itself.

"The exuberance in this room is palpable - you can feel the passion and determination from all these trailblazers who are shaping the future of cannabis in New York," said Lulu Tsui, co-founder of On The Revel. "Fostering these vital connections between retailers, cultivators, processors and brands is absolutely crucial for cultivating a thriving industry."

Gronk at the Revelry Buyers Club New England Patriot Rob Gronkowski at the Revelry Buyers Club 2024 - The Bluntness

More than 250 retailers and 120 licensed brands, cultivators and processors were on hand, alongside nearly 1,000 other industry professionals. The event provided a one-of-a-kind platform for networking, product sampling, deal-making and sharing expertise. Some of the amazing NY brands on hand were Ravens View Genetics, House of Sacci, Heavy Hitters, MFNY, Weekenders, 7 Seaz Cannabis, CannaCure Farms and so many more from across the state. View the exhibitor list here.

Temeka Group's Mike Wilson with Happy Munkey's Vlad Bautista at the Revelry Buyers Club 2024 - Basilica Hudson. Temeka Group's Mike Wilson with Happy Munkey's Vlad Bautista at the Revelry Buyers Club 2024 - Basilica Hudson.

"I'm meeting people here who I've been talking to on the phone and emailing for months," one attendee remarked. "To finally put faces to names, shake hands, and experience these incredible products first-hand is invaluable."

From the packed exhibition floor to the lively discussions spilling out into the venue's corridors, Revelry Buyers' Club underscored On The Revel's ability to bring New York's diverse cannabis leaders together and amplify their collective voice. Former New England Patriot Rob Gronkowski was even spotted at the event representing Foy.

"We're fostering an ecosystem of collaboration that will propel this blossoming industry forward," said Jacobi Holland, On The Revel's other co-founder. "Events like this strengthen the relationships that are the bedrock of New York's cannabis culture, community and industry."

Are you not entertained????? On The Revel - Revelry Buyers ClubAre you not entertained????? On The Revel - Revelry Buyers Club

As the event wrapped up, the overwhelming sentiment was one of optimism about the market's trajectory and appreciation for Revelry Buyers' Club as a catalyst for its growth. New York's legal cannabis landscape is vast, formidable and only just beginning to take shape - and On The Revel has cemented itself as a convening force at the center of it all.

Allegations of Retaliation and Fear in NY's Cannabis Industry
Allegations of Retaliation and Fear in NY's Cannabis Industry

Allegations of Retaliation and Fear in NY's Cannabis Industry

Allegations of hostility and retaliation have surfaced against the Office of Cannabis Management (OCM), the regulatory body overseeing the state's legal marijuana market. Stakeholders within the industry are speaking out, accusing the OCM of using enforcement powers to silence dissent and punish those who criticize its handling of the market rollout.

New York's fledgling cannabis industry, born from the promise of equity and economic prosperity, finds itself embroiled in controversy. Allegations of hostility and retaliation have surfaced against the Office of Cannabis Management (OCM), the regulatory body overseeing the state's legal marijuana market. Stakeholders within the industry are speaking out, accusing the OCM of using enforcement powers to silence dissent and punish those who criticize its handling of the market rollout.

The concerns about the OCM's conduct have been brewing for over a year, but recent events have brought them to the forefront. Industry insiders, including business owners and entrepreneurs like Ruben Lindo of Blak Mar Farms, express fear of reprisal if they speak out against perceived injustices. They cite instances of selective enforcement and a culture of intimidation within the agency.

The Jenny Argie Case:
Jenny Argie, a cancer survivor and licensed cannabis processor, found herself at the center of this controversy. Despite her efforts to comply with regulations and contribute positively to the market, she faced scrutiny and retaliation after speaking out about illicit practices within the industry. Her public statements and leaks of internal conversations led to her products being recalled, raising questions about the OCM's priorities and motives.

Jenny Argie, a licensed Adult-Use Conditional Processor, files suit against NY's Office of Cannabis Management Jenny Argie, the cannabis entrepreneur at the center of a allegations against NY's Office of Cannabis Management

The OCM maintains that its actions are in line with state regulations and necessary to uphold public health and safety standards. However, critics argue that the agency's enforcement efforts appear arbitrary and disproportionate, targeting small operators like Argie while overlooking more egregious violations by larger players.

Argie's case is not an isolated incident but rather part of a pattern of alleged retaliation and intimidation by the OCM. Other industry stakeholders, including cultivators and lobbyists, have reported similar experiences of harassment and fear of retribution for speaking out against perceived injustices.

According to an article in NY Cannabis Insider, in early February, Joe Rossi, the cannabis practice group leader at lobbying and consulting firm Park Strategies –– which represents a number of cannabis businesses –– criticized the OCM on Twitter for its lag in licensing.

Fagon, the chief equity officer, took a screenshot of the tweet and posted it on his personal Instagram with the comment: “Please stop twisting yourself in knots so publicly because you don’t understand the industry.”

In a bold move, Argie has taken legal action against the OCM, challenging the agency's conduct and seeking relief from what she views as retaliatory measures. Her lawsuit shines a light on the power dynamics at play within New York's cannabis industry and raises fundamental questions about accountability and transparency.

Argie's case has sparked broader calls for accountability within the OCM and the Cannabis Control Board. Industry advocates and lawmakers are urging independent audits and investigations to ensure that regulatory agencies are fulfilling their mandates fairly and impartially.

As the legal battle between Argie and the OCM unfolds, the cannabis industry in New York stands at a crossroads. The outcome of this case could have far-reaching implications for the future of regulation and governance in the state's burgeoning market. It underscores the importance of vigilance and accountability in safeguarding the integrity of the cannabis industry and protecting the rights of all stakeholders involved.

Financial Relief for NY Cannabis Farmers via $128 million Senate Plan
Financial Relief for NY Cannabis Farmers via $128 million Senate Plan

Relief Initiatives Offer Hope to Struggling New York Cannabis Farmers

The bill not only takes action toward correcting the missteps of the program rollout but also offers a lifeline to growers teetering on the edge of bankruptcy.

The cannabis industry in New York is at a crossroads, with farmers grappling with a host of challenges amidst the slow rollout of dispensaries. Grateful Valley Farm, a woman-owned cannabis business in Steuben County, embodies the struggles faced by growers across the state.

Founder and CEO Tess Interlicchia, driven by her medical background, entered the cannabis industry with a passion to provide healing through the plant. However, regulatory hurdles and market constraints have left farmers like Interlicchia facing financial uncertainty.

Amidst these challenges, relief initiatives offer a glimmer of hope for struggling cannabis farmers. The New York State Senate recently unveiled a $128 million plan aimed at providing financial assistance to cannabis businesses. Grateful Valley Farm, along with other growers, stands to benefit from the proposed $60 million allocation for cannabis farmer loans, $40 million for grants, and $28 million for tax credits. The initiative comes as a welcome relief for farmers like Interlicchia, who have invested personal fortunes and countless hours into cultivating high-quality cannabis.

Despite the promise of financial assistance, cannabis farmers continue to face systemic challenges that threaten their livelihoods. The slow opening of dispensaries has left farmers with surplus inventory and limited avenues for sales. Additionally, testing requirements and unexpected regulatory changes have added to the burden faced by growers. Grateful Valley Farm resorted to developing their own solutions to comply with testing standards, incurring additional costs in the process.

In response to these challenges, Grateful Valley Farm has spearheaded the formation of the Cannabis Farmers Alliance—a non-profit organization aimed at uniting farmers and advocating for their economic interests. Inspired by historical movements like the Farmers' Holiday Association, the Cannabis Farmers Alliance seeks to provide resources, support, and advocacy for small farmers in New York.

With relief initiatives and grassroots movements like the Cannabis Farmers Alliance, there is hope for a more equitable and sustainable cannabis industry in New York. As Interlicchia aptly states, "Being a farmer is some of the hardest and most honest work there is. It shouldn’t be so difficult - but we are changing this." Through collective action and support, farmers are paving the way for a brighter future in New York's cannabis industry.

NY's Cannabis Industry Gets Some Tax Relief Thanks to Gov. Hochul
NY's Cannabis Industry Gets Some Tax Relief Thanks to Gov. Hochul

A New Dawn for NYC Cannabis Businesses As Gov. Hochul Provides Tax Relief

New York’s governor, Kathy Hochul, signed groundbreaking legislation providing much-needed tax relief to New York City marijuana businesses, a significant move in a landscape where federal deductions under Internal Revenue Service (IRS) code 280E are currently off-limits.

New York’s governor, Kathy Hochul, has recently signed groundbreaking legislation providing much-needed tax relief to New York City marijuana businesses, a significant move in a landscape where federal deductions under Internal Revenue Service (IRS) code 280E are currently off-limits. This decisive action comes after a five-month wait following the Senate and Assembly’s approval of the proposal, underscoring the state’s commitment to supporting the burgeoning cannabis industry, according to Marijuana Moment.

The legislation represents a pivotal step in addressing the unique tax challenges faced by cannabis businesses. Historically, these entities have been hamstrung by federal policies that severely limit their ability to make standard business deductions. The new law seeks to bridge this gap at the city level, following a similar state-level initiative included in last year's separate budget bill. However, New York City’s distinct tax laws remained unaffected by the earlier state-level change, necessitating this targeted intervention.

Specifically, the new measure allows cannabis businesses to deduct expenses related to the sale, distribution, or production of adult-use cannabis products or medical cannabis for the unincorporated business tax (UBT), the general corporation tax (GCT), and the corporate tax of 2015, commonly referred to as the business corporation tax (BCT). This change aligns the city’s tax policies more closely with New York State law, which recognizes and supports these businesses akin to any other legitimate enterprise.

In practical terms, the city’s tax code will be amended to permit deductions equivalent to those denied under section 280E of the federal internal revenue code. This adjustment acknowledges the unique status of cannabis-related businesses, which, while unable to claim federal tax deductions, are nonetheless legal and encouraged under New York law. The bill’s memo highlights this rationale, emphasizing the need for city business taxes to foster these activities.

This legislative reform, backed by New York City Mayor Eric Adams, reflects a broader trend across various states. As federal marijuana reform continues to stall in Congress, leaving state-licensed cannabis businesses facing disproportionately high federal tax rates, states are stepping up. New York joins the ranks of Pennsylvania, Maine, Illinois, Connecticut, and New Jersey, all of which have recently enacted similar measures to provide state-level tax relief to cannabis businesses. These initiatives represent a patchwork of solutions to a federal problem, with states increasingly acting independently to support their legal cannabis industries.

In May, Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) reintroduced a bill aimed at amending the IRS code, a move that would enable state-legal marijuana businesses to take federal tax deductions like those available to other industries. Blumenauer's efforts highlight the growing recognition of the incongruities in current tax laws and the need for federal action. However, until such federal reforms are enacted, the cannabis industry continues to navigate a complex and often contradictory tax landscape.

The IRS has offered limited guidance on the application of Section 280E, a gap that was somewhat addressed in a 2020 update. This update clarified that cannabis businesses, while restricted from standard deductions, can reduce their gross receipts by properly calculated costs of goods sold to determine gross income. This guidance came in response to a Treasury Department internal watchdog report criticizing the IRS for insufficiently advising marijuana industry taxpayers about compliance with federal tax laws.

An overarching resolution to the industry’s 280E problem could emerge if the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) heeds the recommendation of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to reclassify marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). Such a reclassification would not only address tax issues but also herald a significant shift in the federal government's stance on cannabis.

In conclusion, New York City's recent legislation marks a vital step in addressing the disproportionate tax burden on cannabis businesses. It reflects a growing awareness and acceptance of the cannabis industry's legitimacy and the need for equitable tax treatment.

As states like New York take the lead, the pressure mounts on the federal government to enact comprehensive reforms, harmonizing tax laws with the evolving landscape of cannabis legalization and commerce.

70% of Americans Support Marijuana Legalization
70% of Americans Support Marijuana Legalization

Cannabis Legalization’s Momentum Continues as Ohio Joins the Fold

In a groundbreaking development this week, Ohio voters have overwhelmingly approved a marijuana legalization referendum, marking a significant milestone in the ongoing shift towards greater acceptance of cannabis use in the United States. 

In a groundbreaking development this week, Ohio voters have overwhelmingly approved a marijuana legalization referendum, marking a significant milestone in the ongoing shift towards greater acceptance of cannabis use in the United States. 

This move has now made Ohio the 24th state in the country to legalize adult-use marijuana. A recent Gallup poll, conducted in October, demonstrates that this decision aligns with a broader consensus across the nation, with an impressive seven out of ten (70%) Americans now in favor of legalizing marijuana. One more state legalizes and half the country will have access to legal cannabis. 

The Gallup Poll: A Snapshot of Public Opinion

The Gallup poll provides a clear and comprehensive picture of the American public's evolving attitude towards marijuana legalization. The results reveal that support for legalizing marijuana is at an all-time high, with 70% of Americans expressing their approval. This represents a steady increase from just 12% in 1969, showcasing a profound transformation in societal perspectives over the decades.

The Turning Point: 2013 and Beyond

The journey towards widespread acceptance of marijuana gained momentum in 2013 when Colorado and Washington became the first states to legalize recreational use. 

This historic move led to a significant surge in support, with approval ratings soaring by 10 percentage points to reach 58%. Since then, the momentum has continued to build, with another 12-point increase in support, paralleling the rise in Americans' self-reported use of the plant.

Notably, the July Consumption Habits survey by Gallup revealed that 17% of respondents admitted to personally smoking marijuana, a 10-point increase since 2013. Furthermore, the percentage of those who have ever tried marijuana has risen by 12 points to reach 50%. These statistics underscore a growing cultural shift towards greater acceptance of marijuana use.

Consistent Support Across Demographics

One of the most remarkable findings of the Gallup poll is the consistent support for marijuana legalization across all major demographics. Regardless of age, political affiliation, or ideology, major subgroups are now in favor of legalizing marijuana. For instance, self-identified liberals (91%) and Democrats (87%) exhibit the highest levels of support, while even among self-identified conservatives and Republicans, support stands at 52% and 55%, respectively.

Age, too, plays a significant role in determining support, with 79% of 18- to 34-year-olds in favor of legalization. Importantly, even among the oldest age group surveyed, 64% expressed support. This widespread consensus highlights that the desire for marijuana legalization transcends traditional divides.

Regional Differences and the Nationwide Perspective

While the Gallup poll indicates some regional disparities, it is noteworthy that these differences are not statistically significant. However, it is consistent with recent trends to observe lower support for legalization in the East compared to the West and Midwest regions. 

Nevertheless, the poll found no significant difference in support for legalization between residents in states where recreational use was already legal and those in states with more restrictive laws. Seventy percent of adults in both groups expressed their approval.

Ohio's Marijuana Legalization: A Significant Milestone

The recent approval of a marijuana legalization referendum in Ohio has added another star to the constellation of states embracing legal cannabis. The new law permits adults over 21 to possess up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana and grow up to six plants for personal use. It also establishes a Division of Cannabis Control to regulate the adult-use cannabis market.

Importantly, the law grants existing medical operators priority access to the adult-use market while allowing for additional licensing to meet market demands. Taxation at 10% is expected to generate approximately $300 million annually for the state, according to an Ohio State University report.

Ohio's decision marks the fourth-largest state with a recreational marijuana market, potentially reaching $4 billion in adult-use sales within four years, as estimated by MJBizDaily. This development will likely exert pressure on neighboring states, such as Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Indiana, as residents may cross state borders to purchase cannabis legally.

The Road Ahead: Potential Challenges and Opportunities

Despite the resounding success of the marijuana legalization referendum in Ohio, challenges and opportunities lie ahead. The Republican-dominated Legislature's stance on the initiative may lead to a protracted legislative battle over potential amendments. 

This could result in delays in implementation and the persistence of an illicit market. Nevertheless, the overwhelming public support for legalization, especially among younger adults, suggests that the momentum is on the side of advocates for reform.

The nationwide shift in attitudes towards marijuana legalization, as reflected in the Gallup poll, has culminated in Ohio's recent landmark decision to legalize adult-use marijuana. 

This decision not only reflects the evolving cultural acceptance of cannabis but also aligns with a growing trend of conservative states embracing legal cannabis markets.

While challenges may arise in the legislative process, the undeniable momentum in favor of marijuana legalization suggests that more states and possibly even the federal government may follow suit in the years ahead. 
