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The Bluntness Breakdown: 4 CBD Gummies Reviewed

No two CBD gummy brands are the same.
No two CBD gummy brands are the same.

In our third installment of our CBD product reviews, we’re talking about everyone’s favorite - gummies! Finding relief in a CBD option that feels like “treating yourself” to something yummy is our kind of pain relief. One thing we’ve found throughout this experiment: no two CBD gummy brands are the same.

As a disclaimer, we tried many of the same brands that we tested with our CBD tinctures. What can we say, we love a coupon. This is not a sponsored post and no one gave us anything for free. With that said, we do have a few repetitive brands, some of which we strongly believe in. 

Before we jump in, keep in mind that a gummy does need time to digest in your gut and enter your bloodstream. It’s not as quick as a solution for migraine in your moment of need. In my case, I experience the “floaties” - small black spots that appear in my vision. I also get a case of the “yawns” and start to feel incredibly tired. These are my signals to throw back a gummy. 

Vena CBD Extra Strength Full Spectrum Gummies

Vena, you never let us down. These CBD gummies were some of the strongest we could find. Like many people, I was skeptical that CBD/THC gummies would help. I figured there would be very little if any effect of this candy-based option. WRONG. 

The first time I took this gummy, within an hour, I had to step away from the computer. Who knows how I would have started to respond to clients! All kidding aside, my tolerance is very low. But, my headache was gone and I enjoyed a nice, solid nap. Thank you, Jesus (Real Housewives reference anyone?). 

From that point, I started microdosing. Yes, I started microdosing with a CBD gummy. If that’s not all the review you need… then we don’t have the words. I signed up for the monthly auto-subscribe, which puts the price at $37.56, and I sit by the mailbox like a child at Christmas when it’s time for my products to arrive. 

Charlotte’s Web Raspberry Lime Hemp Extract Gummies for Daily Support

Two words: raspberry lime. Yes, yes, yes. Charlotte’s Web by far has the best flavors in this category and without the sugary coating that many CBD gummies feature. The strongest Charlotte’s Web gummy we could find was 25mg and runs $69.99 (60 count).

What’s nice about the Charlotte’s Web brand is there is no need to wait for a mailman. Run to your local Vitamin Shoppe or health foods store, and you’ll likely find a full shelf of products. The first time I tested this product, I took two gummies, as I’d been taking the Vena option as well as cannabis-based gummies and melts. 

While I felt a little something…maybe a little anxiety relief, there is no comparison to the Vena gummy. I’ve started to experiment with taking 1-2 of these in the morning to see if they’ll help prevent a migraine altogether. This experiment is slightly inconclusive as I’ve had both good and bad days following this regimen. What I can say, the CW gummies are not effective when the floaties and yawns come. I sure do enjoy eating them though!  

Green Roads Sleepy Gummies

A slightly different type of gummy here, but I love the thought that Green Road’s has put into their unique formulations. Featuring Melatonin, CBD and CBN, why not replace your simple over-the-counter melatonin with this?  I can attest to an uninterrupted night of sleep. A doctor had recommended that taking melatonin before bed might help prevent the chance of waking up with a migraine. I sometimes experience a melatonin headache (or melatonin hangover) but not at the level of migraine. I can say that I have not experienced that “hangover” at all with this product. It’s an alternative to a nightcap if you will. 

At $49.99, the price… makes it slightly prohibitive for me personally. Let’s face it, I can’t spend all my discretionary income on CBD gummies. I need something that works just as well during the day as it does at night. Green Roads does have alternative options if you’re interested in giving them a go. 

Lord Jones

Lord Jones is in a different realm as the others. The first three brands come in a branded plastic jar with 30-60 gummies. Lord Jones is more focused on the premium experience. These gumdrops felt gourmet, with a beautifully branded candy box of nine pieces that runs $35. It’s just not a cost-effective option for someone looking for pain relief. If you’re looking for a nice gift for a friend, this falls more in line with an item to try. 

The Bluntness Breakdown: We find relief in CBD gummies, but the trick for our migraine warriors is to take one as soon as you feel your symptom or trigger. Otherwise, the time it takes to digest this product may not help before the pain takes over.

As always, we suggest consulting a doctor before you start a new regimen. We are not medical professionals and these comments have not been reviewed by the FDA. 

Want even more brands to try? CBDfx, Extract Labs, and Sunday Scaries all make great products.

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